qSslChat is a chat client/server written in C++ with Qt4.It connects directly and uses SSL to encrypt communication.It is aimed at those,who would like to chat securely. It supports smileys and file sending.It has a simple and intuitive user interface.
Installation instructions
You need to install OpenSSL first.
So, use the provided Win32OpenSSL-0_9_8g.exe to install it.
Be sure to place it in the default C:\OpenSSL directory, or the shell script won't work.
After that, use the generatekey.bat shell script to generate a certificate and an RSA private key.
A file named mycert.pem should be generated in the directory.
Now you can run and use qSslChat.exe
Use the (from the .tar.gz) to install the provided binary and the shell script to generate a key.Please note that you need openssl and qt4.
To compile the source code you need to:
user@linux:~/Desktop$ tar -xvf qSslChat-1.1.tar.gzYou can use the provided .deb package too.
user@linux:~/Desktop$ cd qSslChat-1.1/src
user@linux:~/Desktop/qSslChat-1.1/src$ qmake-qt4
user@linux:~/Desktop/qSslChat-1.1/src$ make
Note that the script and the deb package generate the mycert.pem file (the RSA key and certificate) to your home directory.
If you get an error, search for it there.You can always generate a new key with the script from the .tar.gz
Usage instructions
You can choose to either host a conversation or join an existing one.
Note that only two people can participate in a conversation.
If you are the host ("Host Conversation") the port you set will be the one the server is binded to.The ip field will be completed with your ip address and this will be automatically copied to the clipboard.
In order to connect to a running server you must give the ip address and the port the server is running on and click "Connect to Host".
Please wait for the other person to join and then the UI elements used to chat will be activated.
You can insert smileys by using the emoticon selector.
The client can retrieve the server's certificate information by clicking on the button with the lock icon next to the emoticon selector button.The emoticon theme is Kadu Penguins and it's licensed under GPL v2.
In order to send a file you can simply drag and drop the file to the message area.Note that the file sending server runs on a port which is greater with 5 than the port used by the conversation server (example: if the conversation server runs on port 7752 (default) then the file sending server will run on port 7757). The one who sends the file is always a server, the one who receives is the client.If you run a server please make sure that your firewall won't block the necesary ports.
You can always clear all messages with the /clear command.
If the Message label turns green it means the other party is writing a message.
You can use HTML in your messages.
You may encounter bugs/crashes.
Please report them using the project website or contact me by e-mail.
You can always reach me at: balazsbela [{no-spam-thank-you}]